How To Increase Sales Over The Holiday Season

Post by 
Lizanne Loots
November 30, 2021
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The holiday season can also be described as a silly season. Consumers are running around trying to tick off to-do lists, and buying Christmas presents while businesses aim to meet deadlines and sale targets before the year ends. Is it possible to increase sales during this whirlwind of a time? 

When strategically planning your brand’s holiday season offerings, it can result in the sales spike your brand needs to end off the year on a high note. Here are 5 tips to use the holiday season to increase your sales.

1. Target The Right person

Not only is it important to know and understand your audience, but also to target prospects that have buying intent.

Targeting parameters such as behavioural targeting and making use of retargeting (people who are already familiar with your brand and service offerings) will impact your sales greatly.

2. Use The Right Messaging

When you know and understand your audience, you’ll also use messaging that resonates with their pain points, especially at this time of the year.

Use messaging that is clear and concise. Also ensure that it fits your brand’s tone of voice. Also, remember to add messaging that prompts people to act.

3. Time-sensitive Promotions

Use intrigue to pique interest, lead to consideration and prompt the prospect to take the desired action. During this time of year, people are doing Christmas shopping, buying corporate gifts, teacher gifts, and ‘thank you' gifts. It’s an ideal time to make use of time-sensitive deals, flash sales, and exclusive discounts.

The challenge is to be innovative with these promotions, especially on a creative level. People will be bombarded with promotions at this time of year, so make sure your promotion stands out and drives people to take action. The time sensitivity of campaigns is an excellent way to encourage people to take immediate action. It gives people the illusion that they will miss out on a great deal if you add that a deal is only valid for a short period.

4. Gift guides

People feel overwhelmed because of the endless choices, promotions and everything else going on at this time of the year. A gift guide is a great way to assist your customer to make the purchase decision easier and to give them ideas of what to gift their loved ones. It adds value to their buyer's journey.

A prospective customer is more likely to remember a gift guide than a shelf talker or just another ad.

5. Added value

Provide added value to your customers. This can be in the form of content, guides, freebies, loyalty programs or promotions. A few ideas on how to add value this holiday season is to add gift wrapping in-store, recipe ideas, freebies, free shipping, guides, or tips and tricks that will make life easier for customers. Get creative! Do something that will link to your unique product or service offering and leave a brand impression on potential and current customers. Make your customer feel special this holiday season and take the load off their shoulders, while you increase your sales.

Increase Sales This Holiday Season

Target the right person at the right time, with the right message. It will increase sales by adding value and driving time-sensitive promotions which will also contribute to higher sales. 

The silly holiday season can be the perfect opportunity for your brand to increase sales, so don't miss out on potential sales and make sure to follow these tips.

If you need an international award-winning team and digital strategists to guide you to increase your sales, get in touch with us here.


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